
Vacancy of National Project Coordinator

The Regional Environmental Center for the Caucasus Armenia (REC Caucasus) is seeking a dedicated and experienced National Project Coordinator to join our team in Armenia. This position will play a crucial role in impleme...



Vacancy of International Expert on Agrobiodiversity

Vacancy of International Expert on Agrobiodiversity is available at UNEP/GEF “Land Restoration and Ecosystem Service Improvement through Use of Fruit and Nut Tree Biodiversity in Armenia” Project GEF ID 11140 project...



Vacancy for Gender Expert

Vacancy for Gender expert is available. For more information on vacancy details please open relevant files. Interested candidates should submit their updated CVs and cover letters to the following address: inforeccaucasus@gmail.com by the 11th of December, 2023, by 12:00 a.m...

Support Development of Biodiversity Conservation Policies and Practices in Mountain Regions of the South Caucasus
