
Vacancy of National Project Coordinator

The Regional Environmental Center for the Caucasus Armenia (REC Caucasus) is seeking a dedicated and experienced National Project Coordinator to join our team in Armenia. This position will play a crucial role in impleme...



Vacancy of International Expert on Agrobiodiversity

Vacancy of International Expert on Agrobiodiversity is available at UNEP/GEF “Land Restoration and Ecosystem Service Improvement through Use of Fruit and Nut Tree Biodiversity in Armenia” Project GEF ID 11140 project...



Vacancy for Gender Expert

Vacancy for Gender expert is available. For more information on vacancy details please open relevant files. Interested candidates should submit their updated CVs and cover letters to the following address: inforeccaucasus@gmail.com by the 11th of December, 2023, by 12:00 a.m...


Support to establishment of SEA system in Armenia, Phase IV: Final dissemination and awareness raising event


Final dissemination event ''Towards a fully-fledged SEA and EIA system in Armenia'' was convened within the frames of "Greening Economies in the European Union's Eastern Neighbourhood" (EaP GREEN) project, which assists six countries of the European Union Eastern Neighbourhood Partnership including Armenia in progressing faster towards a green economy framework. Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) have been promoted within the EaP GREEN as tools to integrate green economy targets and other sustainability issues into strategic and project-related decision-making to ensure that environmental and health implications of decisions are taken into account before they are made.Since 2013, the UNECE within the EaP GREEN framework has been supporting Armenia in developing the national SEA and EIA system. The objective of the final meeting was to: - To present the outcomes and results regarding SEA and EIA achieved within the EaP GREEN; - To summarize the key principles of efficient SEA and EIA practice and is benefits; - To discuss priorities and needs regarding further development of SEA and EIA system in the country.
Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production Primer


“Resource efficiency and clean production” (RECP) Demonstration project is implemented within EU funded “Greening Economies in the Eastern Neighborhood” (EAP Green), by UNIDO and Regional environmental center for Caucasus. For industrial development projects implementation RECP uses tested preventive environmental approaches: improved efficiency of resources (reduced production costs and materials, energy and water consumption), reduced environmental impact (less waste products and pollution) and improved professional and social health and protection. The main aim of RECP pilot project is to improve resource efficiency and environmental action particularly in the fields of agricultural/ food production, chemical and construction materials production.
Local environmental action plan for Vanadzor. Joint initiative of RECC and US Embassy


Regional environmental center for Caucasus Armenia National Office has launched its new project for the city of Vanadzor, in Lori region, Armenia, targeting identification of the most important environmental challenges reflecting on citizens' life which will need to be addressed through elaboration of Local environmental action plan for the city of Vanadzor, Lori Region, Armenia. Project is supported by US embassy in Armenia, as well as implemented jointly with local municipality and in collaboration with City Council which was formed as a result of project launching. One of the most important criteria for future success - improved public participation in environmental decision-making, which will be achieved through establishment of local city council consisting of national/local institutions, experts, research, foundations, civil society /NGOs, active citizens, environmentalists, city planners, etc. The first city conference was followed by the LEAP methodology training where the initial challenges for the city of Vanadzor has been identified and discussed with local city council members.
REC Caucasus – 15 years of experience


Current overview serves as an introduction to REC Caucasus activities, strategic goals, partnerships and outputs achieved within the recent 15 years of its experience in South Caucasus. Regional environmental center for Caucasus is determined as “to assist in solving environmental problems in the Caucasus region through the promotion of co-operation at national and regional level among NGOs, governments, business, local communities, and all other environmental stakeholders, in order to develop a free exchange of information, in line with the principles of the Aarhus Convention; offer assistance to all environmental NGOs and other stakeholders; and increase public participation in the decision-making process, thereby assisting the states of the Caucasus in the further development of a democratic civil society”.
Brief Information on UNIDO /RECP/ Training 2, Yerevan, Armenia, REC Caucasus


REC Caucasus RECP team organized the second training within the frames of UNIDO “Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production” (RECP) Program, which took place from 8th to 11th September, Conference hall of UN Armenia House, in Yerevan. The aim of the training was to introduce the assessment, evaluation and recommendations of the Demo organizations by the experts. The training had module presentation (1-6, presented during the RECP introductory on 14-16 of April, 2014) introducing next steps to be applied by the experts when working with the Demo organizations.
Development of Mew modules for International Bachelor and Master Programmes in Sustainable Tourism Management


A multi-country project to modernize curricula in sustainable tourism management (SuToMa) and develop a joint understanding about the principles.
Improvement of environmental liability regime: introduction of methodology for valuation of environmental damage


Armenia and Georgia, two South Caucasus countries, determined to establish a sovereign, democratic, social state governed by rule of law, have adopted a policy to shift toward market relations in the economy.
Support Development of Biodiversity Conservation Policies and Practices in Mountain Regions of the South Caucasus


The project ‘’Support Development of Biodiversity Conservation Policies and Practices in Mountain Regions of the South Caucasus’’ implemented by REC Caucasus aims to build capacity of local communities and authorities to address biodiversity loss in forest ecosystems of mountain regions of South Caucasus in order to improve participatory biodiversity managem
Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Man-made and Natural-Disasters in the ENPI East Region” (PPRD-EAST)


South Caucasus is high-risk disaster zone that undermines countries economy, and threatens natural environment and human security. Due to countries prolonged transitional period the gap has been formed through: Non existing electronic Risk Atalas; Outdated statistics on DRR; imperfect Cartography, GIS, non existing satellite imagery.
Views from the Frontline


The project provides an independent global overview of progress towards developing effective local governance for implementation of the HFA
Establishing structured approach towards training of Environmental Inspectors in Armenia and Azerbaijan


The aim of this project is to introduce a structured approach towards trainings for the employees of the State Environmental Inspectorate (SEI) of Armenia and Azerbaijan, also establish a mechanism of information exchange that will help SEI employees to continuously learn about new developments
Identification and Implementation of Adaptation Response to Climate Change Impact for Conservation and Sustainable Use of Agro-Biodiversity in Arid and Semi-Arid Ecosistems of South Caucasus

The project is aimed to build adaptive capacities in three South Caucasus countries to ensure resilience of agro-biodiversity of especially vulnerable arid and semi-arid ecosystems and local livelihoods to climate change.
Management of the Transboundary Joint Secretariat Nature Conservation in the Caucasus

The Transboundary Joint Secretariat (TJS) provides support to the Ministries of Environment of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia to increase regional sector harmonization and sector development in nature conservation and related socio-economic development.
Fostering Community Forest Policy and Practice in Mountain Regions of the Caucasus

The project is focused on development of new institutional, legal and technical set-up for community forest management and in particular supports securing land tenure and forest rights of local communities, implementation of institutional arrangements and land use policies for forest conservation and sustainable use.