
Vacancy of National Project Coordinator

The Regional Environmental Center for the Caucasus Armenia (REC Caucasus) is seeking a dedicated and experienced National Project Coordinator to join our team in Armenia. This position will play a crucial role in impleme...



Vacancy of International Expert on Agrobiodiversity

Vacancy of International Expert on Agrobiodiversity is available at UNEP/GEF “Land Restoration and Ecosystem Service Improvement through Use of Fruit and Nut Tree Biodiversity in Armenia” Project GEF ID 11140 project...



Vacancy for Gender Expert

Vacancy for Gender expert is available. For more information on vacancy details please open relevant files. Interested candidates should submit their updated CVs and cover letters to the following address: inforeccaucasus@gmail.com by the 11th of December, 2023, by 12:00 a.m...



UNIDO Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Procuction Green Clubs in Ararat and Dilijan cities, Armenia

UNIDO Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) Demonstration component project www.recp.am is being implemented in the frames of Partnership for Environment and Growth (EaP GREEN) financed by the European Union. Regional Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) Demonstration Programme for Eastern Partnership Countries is called for scaling up resource efficient and cleaner production (CP) in small businesses through RECP Clubs for small and medium SMEs/enterprises.

RECP project in Armenia is being implemented by the Armenian National Office of the Regional Environmental Centre for Caucasus www.rec-caucasus.am. RECP club component includes foundation of ‘’RECP Green Clubs’’ in pilot Ararat and Dilijan cities of Armenia, and later on, replication of current RECP approach in other cities and regions for inclusion of local SMEs dealing with food, beverage, construction and chemical production into RECP assessment cycle in support to more efficient use of resources, improved performance and economic benefits, innovative ideas for waste management and recycling, reduction of energy costs, targeting support to SMEs. The principal idea of a RECP Club is to bring together up to a dozen small businesses from the same region and take them jointly through an intensive training and coaching programme over a period of about 4 months, leading to a customized RECP action plan for all member companies on completion of the Club. The first two meetings in Ararat and Dilijan city will take place on 8th and 9th of October 2015 in collaboration with local municipalities who agreed to adapt green growth and promote RECP based on MOUs signed with RECP team.

‘’RECP Green Clubs’’ in the mentioned cities will be supported by relevant workshops for the neighboring community businesses on opportunities to undertake assessments of SMEs based on Resource efficient and cleaner production methodology (UNIDO). ‘’RECP Green Club’’ will implement twelve meetings in the selected cities in three months with participation of local business organizations interested in RECP. The topics for the RECP Club meetings are going to cover the business environmental profile, energy, water and wastewater, materials and waste, chemicals and chemical waste, and RECP action plan to be developed jointly with local SMEs and REC C. The RECP club aims and objectives, expectations, technical contents related to the problems of resource efficiency and waste, opportunities and benefits, RECP concept and functions, problems and solutions are going to be presented by RECP project team.

SMEs will also be engaged in ‘’Developing RECP Action Plans’’ and together with RECP team will explore the needs and identify possible improvements within their own companies. More information on UNIDO RECP Demonstration component project can be found at www.recp.am. For queries please address RECP nune.harutyunyan@rec-caucasus.org.