Green Clubs: 2nd meeting in Gyumri
On August 10, 2023, a Green Clubs 2nd meeting was held in the Asparez press club Hall in Gyumri. The purpose of this meeting was to present to the Club members the “Module 2: Energy”.
The event was attended by representatives from small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) operating in the region, academia representatives, members of public organizations.
The Second meeting’s primary objective is to evaluate the organization’s energy consumption, encompassing both historical and ongoing energy efficiency and conservation initiatives. The aim is to comprehensively assess all aspects of energy resource management, categorizing potential risks from manageable to unmanageable for the company.
The Part 2 “Energy Resources” of the Self-Assessment Tool was utilized, building upon the skills acquired during the previous meeting. The following key aspects was covered:
Primary Energy Consumers: This section focuses on identifying major energy resources consumed. It includes the energy resource type, corresponding consumer, consumption amount, annual usage hours, and purpose of usage. It encompasses:
- Direct energy consumption within the production process.
-Direct energy consumption for utility functions.
-Other instances of direct energy consumption.
Indirect Energy Consumers: entities that indirectly consume energy resources, including utility consumption, activity requirements, hourly consumption, and annual usage hours. Cases where energy is regenerated or reused are examine. This analysis includes the following consumer categories:
- Steam consumers.
- Cooling water consumers.
- Compressed air users.
Addressing these aspects was aimed at developing a comprehensive understanding of energy consumption patterns, which, in turn, led to the formulation of well-informed strategies for enhancing energy management. At the end of the meeting RECP Green Clubs Technical Experts Mrs. Dshkhuhi Sahakyan conducted visits to several enterprises, in particular, “Nor Hatik” agricultural cooperative and “Ararat Poghosyan” Individual entrepreneur (farmer) operating in Bavra community of Shirak Marz, identified as participants of the Green Clubs initiative. The purpose of these visits was to familiarize themselves with the production capabilities of these enterprises and conduct an initial/preliminary assessment of their activities.