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European Union for Environment Regional Programme “Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) Project



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Project description/goals: The general objective of EU4Environment is to help the partner countries preserve their natural capital and increase people’s environmental well-being by supporting environment-related action, demonstrating and unlocking opportunities for greener growth, and setting mechanisms to better manage environmental risks and impacts.  The program is implemented by a consortium of international partners, including OECD, UNIDO, UN Environment, UNECE and the World Bank.The project is aimed to provide description of support activities and advisory services on the application of Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) in Armenia as a part of the implementation of the project “European Union forEnvironment (EU4Environment)” – a regional programme to be implemented in six Eastern partner countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova,and Ukraine) hereinafter called “EaP countries”. Project overall contributes to “Result 2. Output will introduce Circular Economy principles in Armenia by building national capacity and demonstrating RECP in SMEs”.Project uses RECP methodology and practices embedded on Circular Economy principles and applies practepiloted within EaP Green RECP Demonstration project (2013 – 2017).Project helps to increase productivity,product quality and competitiveness of SMEs in the country. Results of RECP assessments and implementation of RECP measures designed for selected industry SMEs will also serve to strengthen awareness and demonstrate benefits and best practiceson  circular economy using Resource efficiency and Cleaner production.

RECP aims at

 • Resource Efficiency: optimization of the productive use of natural resources (materials, water and energy);

• Waste Minimization; Minimization of the adverse impact of production systems on environment and nature through reduction of wastes and emissions;

•People’s well being: Minimization of risks to people and communities and enable their development.

 Project will be implemented in accordance with the following work packages

WP 1. RECP Implementation Management and Institutionalization(Stakeholder meetings, networking activities, annual regional RECP events, alumni meetings and strategies to sustain RECP services)[1].

 WP 2. RECP Industry Demonstrations (RECP Coaching and Assessment for 15 new and 10 EaP Green Demonstration SMEs, supported by RECP audits, assessment reports and recommendation packages for each invidivual company).

As a result of assessments, companies will benefit from economic, environmental and social benefits, improved health, safety and environmental conditions. In particular, RECP audits will enable:

  • Reduction of production costs and support to technology enhancements;
  • Increase in labor productivity and improvement of health and safety conditions;
  • Improvement in product quality using Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production methods and applications;
  • Reduction of costs associated with input material, resources, water, waste production and pollution, reduction of GHG emissions and Climate change mitigation;
  • Improvement of production conditions, company’s competitiveness and environmental performance;
  • Improvement of the public opinion about the company.

WP 3.NIP activities for RECP awareness and knowledge management, including coaching and networking activities, preparation of Communication plan, national RECP conferences, Circular Economy thematic awareness events to benefit from the established knowledge sharing mechanism, and online knowledge sharing platform. Component will be contributing to the events and presenting Armenia’s RECP experiences and business cases, newly identified results of RECP audits to stakeholder groups and beneficiaries.

The project includes the following result areas:

Project will improve knowledge, awareness and communication with customers, and will serve to transfer benefits of RECP through: 1) resource productivity and environmental performance of small and medium business companies, 2) improved quality of products and services, 3) creating additional economic and environmental benefits, strengthened health and safety conditions for business owners and start-ups.

Project will have the following outputs:

1.    Improved access to resource/energy efficiency and cleaner production advisory services provided to 25 SMEs and women-led business companies in Armenia based on circular economy principles and methodology, supported by 25 RECP assessments (audits) within RECP saving catalogue, action and monitoring plans for each company.

2.    Project will  design and provide a coaching program on RECP for the staff of at least 25 demonstration companies and RECP experts  to assist demonstration companies during RECP assessment. RECP saving catalogue will provide analysis of economic savings, reduction of water and energy expenses, decrease of emissions, effluents and waste,  . technical, economic and environmental feasibility evaluation of the selected RECP measures.

3.    Enhance knowledge and awareness of producers in pilot demonstration companies on Circular Economy principles and RECP through coaching and audit recommendations improving their environmental, economic and social performance, competitiveness in the market, introducing innovative approaches in selected industry sectors

4.    Enhance economic development and competitiveness among SMEs using energy-saving business models in line with circular economy policies and practices, based on resource efficiency, clean production, reduction of use of water, energy and material resources, sources,climate mitigation practices relevant for selected industry sectors,

5.    The developed modality to support the exchange of experience among Circular Economy/RECP experts and business owners to support professional networking in the country via alumni and information events, stakeholder discussions and elaboration of strategy of RECP service provision.

6.    Establishment of a national professional network for RECP knowledge sharing to promote technical expertise exchange, proper knowledge management and regular exchange among professionals to strengthen the national capacities and collaboration on Circular Economy/RECP in Armenia.

Total duration of the project: 32 months

 Project Location(s) :Armenia

Beneficiary (ies): Small and Medium Enterprises

 Project partners/Implementing organisations:

The project is funded by the European Union and implemented by five Partner organisations: OECD, UNECE, UNEP, UNIDO and the World Bank.

Project in Armenia is implementing by the Armenian Office of the Regional Environmental Centre for the Caucasus that is an independent, non- profit organization, established to assist in solving environmental problems as well as development of the civic society in the countries of the South Caucasus.

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