The Regional Environmental Center for the Caucasus Armenia (REC Caucasus) is seeking a dedicated and experienced National Project Coordinator to join our team in Armenia. This position will play a crucial role in implementing the "Promoting Green Deal Readiness in the Eastern Partnership Countries (PROGRESS)" project, which aims to foster climate-oriented, resilient, and green economic development across Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia.
The successful candidate will support the execution of comprehensive capacity-building initiatives and impactful awareness-raising campaigns. Interested candidates with strong background in sustainable development, environmental management, or circular economy practices, possessing excellent communication skills in both English and Armenian, are encouraged to apply.
Please submit your application, including a detailed CV and cover letter, to inforeccaucasus@gmail.com by 04 June 2024.
TOR is enclosed in post description.
Vacancy of International Expert on Agrobiodiversity is available at UNEP/GEF “Land Restoration and Ecosystem Service Improvement through Use of Fruit and Nut Tree Biodiversity in Armenia” Project GEF ID 11140 project.
Under the direct supervision of the Project Manager and International Expert on Project Development will have the following responsibilities:
1. Identify practical approaches in increasing the use of fruit and nut tree agrobiodiversity for urban and rural community development and develop an action plan for incorporation of the use of agrobiodiversity aspects in the project with quantifiable baseline and target indicators.
2. Assist the PPG team in baseline assessment of existing knowledge management and information system on agrobiodiversity, forest and land resources use and in development of a strategy based on review of national and international information systems supporting the access and use of fruit and nut tree agrobiodiversity in land and forest restoration for both national researchers, non-government and community-based organizations.
Interested candidates should submit their updated CVs and cover letters to the following address: inforeccaucasus@gmail.com by the 11th of December, 2023, by 12:00 a.m. EVN time.
Late or incomplete applications will not be considered. Full vacancy announcement can be viewed in the file below.
Vacancy for Gender expert is available. For more information on vacancy details please open relevant files. Interested candidates should submit their updated CVs and cover letters to the following address: inforeccaucasus@gmail.com by the 11th of December, 2023, by 12:00 a.m. EVN time. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered. Full vacancy announcement can be viewed in the file below.
Vacancies for experts are available at REC C, Technical Expert on Policy and Stakeholder Engagement, Land Restoration and Innovations. For more information on vacancy details please open relevant files. Interested candidates should submit their updated CVs and cover letters to the following address: inforeccaucasus@gmail.com by the 11th of December, 2023, by 12:00 a.m. EVN time. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered. Full vacancy announcement can be viewed in the file below.
Vacancy of PPG Manager is available within UNEP/GEF “Land Restoration and Ecosystem Service Improvement through Use of Fruit and Nut Tree Biodiversity in Armenia” Project GEF ID 11140 project, to implement the following tasks:
1. Overall management (coordination) in the execution of the envisaged activities during PPG including the control the quality of inputs by the national and international consultants and the executing agency;
2. Supervise and coordinate the production of PPG results, as per the PPG work plan and ensure timely submission of the project package;
3. Coordinate the process of selection of Technical and International Expert(s), and stakeholders.
Interested candidates should submit their updated CVs and cover letters to the following address: inforeccaucasus@gmail.com by the 11th of December, 2023, by 12:00 a.m. EVN time.
Late or incomplete applications will not be considered. Full vacancy announcement can be viewed in the file below.
Vacancy of International expert on Project Development is available within UNEP/GEF “Land Restoration and Ecosystem Service Improvement through Use of Fruit and Nut Tree Biodiversity in Armenia” Project GEF ID 11140 project.
Leading Organization: The Regional Environmental Centre for the Caucasus (REC Caucasus)
Post Title: International Expert on Project Development
Contract type: Service Agreement
Starting Date: December 2023
Duration: 15th December 2023 – 30th April 2024
Duty Station: International Expert, 24 days of desk study, including 7 days in the Republic of Armenia
Late or incomplete applications will not be considered. Full vacancy announcement can be viewed in the file below.
The kick -off meeting for the upcoming PPG for UNEP/GEF Land Restoration and Ecosystem Service Improvement through Use of Fruit and Nut Tree Biodiversity in Armenia project has taken place today on 17th November, 2023, organized by the UN Environment programme, RA Ministry of Environment, RA Forest Committee and REC Caucasus. The kick off meeting has gathered decision makers from the leading forestry and biodiversity agencies, experts and civil society to discuss the current strategic directions of the project, including
Component 1: Policies, and institutions to sustainably manage agrobiodiversity for restoration
Component 2: Agrobiodiversity planting materials, information and management practices
Component 3: Capacity building at all levels to assess manage and benefit from the use of fruit and nut tree diversity.
During the preparation phase, the development of the project will be finalized, including undertaking stakeholder consultations and data collection in order to facilitate participation and define relevant baseline and complementary activities; and developing a CEO Endorsement Request package for submission to the GEF. Project aims to leverage the conservation caucus model to increase the sustainability of funding for protected areas systems in Armenia. Participants have discussed important aspects of the biodiversity conservation model in Armenia, as well as afforestation and forest restoration, mentioning that the project will keep its sustainability supporting the newly founded Forest service which will be established soon. Meanwhile, the project will work with local communities, NGOs, undertaking capacity building activities.
Project “Joint Monitoring for Environmental Protection in BSB countries” is aimed at solving common problems of nature parks and protected areas in the Black Sea Basin (BSB). The overall project objective is to contribute to increasing the level of availability of cross-border compatible environmental monitoring data and information in nature parks and protected areas in BSB.
Throughout the implementation project has reached the following results
Developed Smart Platform and contributed to raising the level of availability of cross-border compatible data and information for environmental monitoring in nature parks and protected areas covered by the project.
Provided up-to-date information on the state of natural habitats and the presence of invasive species in the nature parks covered by the project through the use of smart technologies and conducting joint monitoring.
Improved long-term cross-border collaboration, information and research capacity for addressing ecosystem transformation and biodiversity monitoring through establishment of a Cross-border Center for joint environmental monitoring in BSB countries.
Cross-border Center for Joint environmental monitoring was established and supports joint eco monitoring, data and information for nature parks and protected areas.
Online monitoring system (OMS) for environmental data supports integration of the measurement data and serves as information platform.
Green Clubs: 2nd meeting in Gyumri
On August 10, 2023, a Green Clubs 2nd meeting was held in the Asparez press club Hall in Gyumri. The purpose of this meeting was to present to the Club members the “Module 2: Energy”.
The event was attended by representatives from small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) operating in the region, academia representatives, members of public organizations.
The Second meeting's primary objective is to evaluate the organization's energy consumption, encompassing both historical and ongoing energy efficiency and conservation initiatives. The aim is to comprehensively assess all aspects of energy resource management, categorizing potential risks from manageable to unmanageable for the company.
In the framework of EU BSB-1138 Anti-Littering Partnership for Green Rural Areas Project in BSB Countries, REC Caucasus Armenia National Office is announcing a tender for the procurement of the Film Creation services. The tenderers are required to provide services as indicated below. In the technical offer, the tenderers will indicate more details on the deliveries, referring back to the below table.
Video for the promotion of anti-littering activities in rural areas and the waste management 3R principle. In the framework of EU BSB-1138 Anti-Littering Partnership for Green Rural Areas Project in BSB Countries, REC Caucasus Armenia National Office is announcing a tender for the procurement of the Film Creation services.
The tenderers are required to provide services as indicated below. In the technical offer, the tenderers will indicate more details on the deliveries, referring back to the below table.
Video for the promotion of anti-littering activities in rural areas and the waste management 3R principle
The promotional video film should be shoot to increase awareness and understanding of problems of the importance of environmental protection of rivers and prevention of river pollution, namely using proper waste regulation, waste management policies and practices based on the 3R principle. The film will also picture the final products and results of the project and will be disseminated by TV and social platforms. Video film will also be demonstrated and shared with decision-making bodies and promoted through the pages and official digital platforms of the Ministry of Environment and Regional environmental center for the Caucasus. The film will be shared with the EU delegation in Armenia for further use and promotion.
On February 2, 20f Dilijan community to present the "Methodology for Preparation of Local Solid Waste Management Plans" EU BSB 1138 – “Anti-Littering Par22, a regular meeting on Waste Management Plan preparation was held in Dilijan (Armenia) with the members of Council of Elders and established working group otnership for Green Rural Areas”.
According to the RA Law on Environmental Impact Assessment and Expertise / 21.06.2014 HO-110-N / and in accordance with the procedure defined by the decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia No. 1325-N of November 19, 2014 "On defining the procedure for conducting public notice", on February 7-8, 2022, REC Caucasus will organize public hearings related to EIA on Analysis of Landscape Restoration and afforestation works and reforestation in degraded areas of Syunik region, with the following schedule:
On 18-26 of September 2021 within the framework of “World Cleanup Day” the working team of EU-funded BSB 1138 – “Anti-Littering Partnership for Green Rural Areas” project implemented by the “Regional Environmental Center for Caucasus” foundation’s Armenian branch office, in cooperation with local partner organizations in Dilijan and Vanadzor (“Dilijan Community Center” NGO and “NGO Center” Civil Society Development NGO) organized and implemented the works on cleaning of the river banks, public areas of the settlements and school areas, as well as garbage cleaning, garbage collection works and removal to the landfill.
Overall 11 educational institutions and 2 NGOs took part in the action. The event was attended by 602 participants.
EU Funded Project “Joint Monitoring for Environmental Protection in BSB countries”
Training for Stakeholders: Methodologies and tools on Eco monitoring of Natural Parks and Protected Areas
9-10 June, 2021, Dilijan
Training objectives, expected outputs and outcomes
Training for Stakeholders: Methodologies and tools on Eco monitoring of Natural Parks and Protected Areas was aimed to build capacities of stakeholders on eco monitoring tools, methodologies natural parks and protected areas, use of smart monitoring platforms and measurement equipment.
Training program organized by Regional Environmental Center for Caucasus Armenia Branch Office and Green Age NGO for professionals from Dilijan National Park, Ijevan Forestry Branch and other stakeholders is to raise awareness on current situation of Armenian forests, sharing the key skills on UAV management, eco monitoring tools and practices for National parks and specially preserved areas. The training was focused on UAV management in eco monitoring, processing and analyzing data obtained in field studies and terrain mapping. Field studies were performed to share practical skills in utilizing UAV technology.
Invitation to Tender, EU funded BSB-884 ECO Monitoring Project
Subject: Invitation to tender for dron with multispectral camera, laptop and measurement devices
This is an invitation to tender for the above-mentioned supply contract. The following documents constitute the tender dossier:
Instructions to tenderers
Draft contract, including annexes
- Draft contract
- Annex I: general conditions
- Annex II + III: technical specifications + technical offer
- Annex IV: budget breakdown
- Annex V: model performance guarantee
Tender form for a supply contract
- Annex I: declaration of honour on exclusion and selection criteria.
- Financial identification form
- Legal entity form
For full information about procurement procedures please consult the practical guide and its annexes, which can be downloaded from the following web page: http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/prag/document.do
We look forward to receiving your tender, which has to be sent or hand delivered no later than the submission deadline at the address specified in the instructions to tenderers.
By submitting a tender you accept to receive notification of the outcome of the procedure by electronic means. Such notification shall be deemed to have been received by you on the date upon which the contracting authority sends it to the electronic address you referred to in your offer.
If you decide to submit a tender, we would be glad to send you the tender package, as soon as you inform us in written to: procurement@rec-caucasus.am
In the framework of BSB ECO Monitoring Project BSB-884 in Dilijan REC Caucasus Armenia National Office is announcing a tender for the procurement of the following services in 1 lot: Rooms, Full-board meals, Coffee-breaks, Conference hall. Services should be provided in the following time-frame: 01.05.2020-01.05.2022 in Dilijan.
EU funded BSB 884Eco-Monitoring Project is announcing tender for positions of Smart Environmental Monitoring and Habitat Monitoring Experts, Researchers on Botany, Water quality assessment, Air Quality Assessment and IT (for Smart Monitoring).
To apply, please send your CVs and cover letters to inforeccaucasus@gmail.com by 20th of August 2020.
Description of Terms of Reference is enclosed.
Project description/goals: The general objective of EU4Environment is to help the partner countries preserve their natural capital and increase people's environmental well-being by supporting environment-related action, demonstrating and unlocking opportunities for greener growth, and setting mechanisms to better manage environmental risks and impacts. The program is implemented by a consortium of international partners, including OECD, UNIDO, UN Environment, UNECE and the World Bank.The project is aimed to provide description of support activities and advisory services on the application of Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) in Armenia as a part of the implementation of the project “European Union forEnvironment (EU4Environment)” – a regional programme to be implemented in six Eastern partner countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova,and Ukraine) hereinafter called “EaP countries”. Project overall contributes to “Result 2. Output will introduce Circular Economy principles in Armenia by building national capacity and demonstrating RECP in SMEs”.Project uses RECP methodology and practices embedded on Circular Economy principles and applies practepiloted within EaP Green RECP Demonstration project (2013 – 2017).Project helps to increase productivity,product quality and competitiveness of SMEs in the country. Results of RECP assessments and implementation of RECP measures designed for selected industry SMEs will also serve to strengthen awareness and demonstrate benefits and best practiceson circular economy using Resource efficiency and Cleaner production.
Regional environmental center for Caucasus Armenia and World Resources Institute are announcing a competition for the vacancy of GIS Analyst and Technical Expert within the framework of the GEF Upscaling Global Forest Watch in the Caucasus Region project. Project is supported by the Ministry of Environment of Armenia, and implemented by UN Environment, World Resources Institute and REC Caucasus.
Post Title: Expert on Environmental Education
EU funded “Anti-Littering Partnership for Green Rural Areas (BSB 1138)” project is announcing position of Expert on Environmental Education. Expert is to insure implementation, coordination and evaluation of project educational activities as per the adopted Project work plan. Expert on Environmental Education will support coordination of the Project national team to fulfill project educational outcomes, and to implement assigned tasks. To apply for position, please see enclosed the Terms of Reference, sending cv and covering letter by e mail to procurement@rec-caucasus.am. by 22 of May, 2020.
EU funded “Anti-Littering Partnership for Green Rural Areas (BSB 1138)” project
Expert on Environmental Protection
EU funded “Anti-Littering Partnership for Green Rural Areas (BSB 1138)” project is announcing position of Expert on Environmental Protection. Expert is to insure implementation, coordination and evaluation of project environmental activities as per the adopted Project work plan. Expert will support coordination of the Project national team to fulfill project environmental outcomes, and to implement assigned tasks. To apply for position, please see enclosed the Terms of Reference, sending cv and covering letter by e mail to procurement@rec-caucasus.am. by 22 of May, 2020.
Այս զեկույցը սինթեզում է Հայաստանի Հանրապետության շրջանակում բնապահպանական գնահատականների օգտագործողների միջև կատարված հետազոտության արդյունքները։ ԵՄ-ի կազմակերպած «Համատեղ Բնապահպանական Տեղեկատվական Համակարգի Սկզբունքների ու Պրակտիկայի Իրականացումը Եվրոպայի Հարևան Տարածաշրջաններում» ծրագրի շրջանակներում կազմակերպված ուսումնասիրության նպատակն էր հասկանալ, թե ինչպես են օգտագործողները ընկալում իրենց երկրներում հրապարակված բնապահպանական գնահատումների որակն ու օգտակարությունը։
Հարավային Կովկասի երկրներում հզորացնել կլիմայի փոփոխության հարմարվողականության կարողությունները՝ նպատակ ունենալով ապահովելու ագրոկենսաբազմազանությունը՝ հատկապես արիդ և սեմիարիդ խոցելի էկոհամակարգերում և կենսամիջավայրը՝ տեղական համայնքներում։
On February 15 2019, Validation Workshop of the project preparation phase for the GEF-6 funded project was organized by joint efforts of the World Resources Institute and Regional Environmental center for Caucasus in Yerevan. Global forest watch is an interactive online forest monitoring and alert system designed to empower people everywhere with the information they need to better manage and conserve forest landscapes. Global Forest Watch uses cutting edge technology and science to provide the timeliest and most precise information about the status of forest landscapes worldwide, including near-real-time alerts showing the suspected locations of recent tree cover loss. The main goals of the project are to create an interactive platform to visualize spatial data and serve as a central database for spatial and non-spatial data, perform a national-scale restoration opportunities analysis, participatory approach through workshops and capacity building. Project has regional scope and will be implemented in all three South Caucasus countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia.
Mr.Ayser Ghazaryan, Deputy Minister of Nature Protection of Armenia, in his welcoming speech has mentioned that current project is one of the most important one in terms of support needed by state authorized body, in particular to improve forest governance, management processes and will help to ensure transparency of forest related data and information, which will subsequently be catalyzing normal access to information and improve transparency. This platform will serve for gathering reliable information on estimation of potential non-forest areas, lands of other targeted significance by the Land Code, which will give an opportunity to evaluate and calculate the future afforestation scale under the IUCN-related methodological guidelines. Ms. Gabrielle Nussbaum, World Resources Institute, mentioned that Global Forest Watch is a collaborative project for WRI and valued the input of stakeholders working on forestry issues. As the project is scheduled to be submitted to UNEP by the 1st of March, it would be highly appreciated to get the feedback of the present participants during the workshop.
Ms. Nune Harutyunyan REC Caucasus Director has introduced the results of inception workshop and recommendations presented by stakeholders during the November 2018 meeting in Yerevan. It was also underlined that the implementation of the program will give an opportunity to have an information system, which will allow forest professionals and stakeholders to keep the information more transparent and up-to-date. Later, this online system can have a more comprehensive, professional structure, which can be used in reports, to provide accurate information. Mrs. Nune Harutyunyan invited expected the participants to come up with suggestions and recommended steps in terms of getting and providing information about existing issues, to identify opportunities for improvement of existing information system and further steps to improve system’s functioning, access to information. During the workshops stakeholders from international organizations, partner agencies, national governance and SPNAs have discussed the most important problems within forest management, institutional, legal aspects of access to information, relevant data sources and further strategies.
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Report on "Strategic Development Plan, Road Map and Long Term Investment Plan for the Solid Waste Management Sector in Armenia" was elaborated within EU funded Greening Economies in the Eastern Neighbourhood (EaP GREEN) project, in collaboration with UNECE Espoo Convention Secretariat, RA Ministry of Nature Protection and Regional environmental center for Caucasus, Armenia National Office. The main purpose of SEA is to ensure that environmental considerations inform and are integrated into strategic decision-making in support of environmentally sound and sustainable development. In particular, SEA assists authorities responsible for plans/programmes, as well as decision-makers, to take into account:
• Key environmental trends, potentials and constraints that may affect or may be affected by the plan/programme.
• Environmental objectives and indicators that are relevant to the plan/programme.
• Likely significant environmental effects of proposed options and the implementation of the plan/programme.
• Measures to avoid, reduce or mitigate adverse effects and to enhance positive effects.
• Views and information from relevant authorities, the public and, as and when relevant, potentially affected States.
Armenian version of the brochure introduces the SEA procedure as set out in the Protocol with reference to its provisions,1 and presents the benefits of SEA while rectifying misconceptions regarding this procedure. It also provides background information on the origins of SEA, and practical examples of the implementation of SEA. Finally, it presents steps to be undertaken by Governments that plan to accede to the Protocol.
This brochure has been prepared by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) secretariat of the Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment (Protocol on SEA) to the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Trans boundary Context (Espoo Convention) with the support of consultants and with funding from the EU Programme “Greening Economies in the Eastern Neighbourhood” (EaP GREEN). It responds to a request from the Bureau under the treaties to produce material to promote the ratification and the implementation of the Protocol and to raise awareness of the Governments, the public and other stakeholders of the benefits of SEA.
The brochure is intended to address the authorities, but also the public and other stakeholders, in countries that are in the process of establishing national SEA systems and/or promoting their systematic implementation. It assists countries in preparing for joining the Protocol on SEA.
Final dissemination event ''Towards a fully-fledged SEA and EIA system in Armenia'' was convened within the frames of "Greening Economies in the European Union's Eastern Neighbourhood" (EaP GREEN) project, which assists six countries of the European Union Eastern Neighbourhood Partnership including Armenia in progressing faster towards a green economy framework.
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) have been promoted within the EaP GREEN as tools to integrate green economy targets and other sustainability issues into strategic and project-related decision-making to ensure that environmental and health implications of decisions are taken into account before they are made.Since 2013, the UNECE within the EaP GREEN framework has been supporting Armenia in developing the national SEA and EIA system.
The objective of the final meeting was to:
- To present the outcomes and results regarding SEA and EIA achieved within the EaP GREEN;
- To summarize the key principles of efficient SEA and EIA practice and is benefits;
- To discuss priorities and needs regarding further development of SEA and EIA system in the country.
Republic of Armenia State Committee on Urban Development, UNECE Land and Housing Division, Regional environmental center for Caucasus and Municipality of Goris city have launched the Smart city Profile for Goris (Syuniq region, Armenia) within the frames of United Smart Cities project during September 11 workshop on "Trends and challenges in sustainable housing, urban development and land management in the Republic of Armenia" organized in Yerevan, Armenia. Smart sustainable city profile of the city of Goris, Republic of Armenia, has been produced under the framework of the project “United Smart Cities”, coordinated by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). The profile for the City of Goris was requested by the State Urban Development Committee. This activity was led by the Housing and Land Management Unit of the UNECE Division of Forests, Land and Housing. It started with a fact-finding mission in February 2015, and was completed in 2017. The project implementation was supported by financial and in-kind resources of the UNECE, the State Urban Development Committee of Armenia, the Regional Environmental Center for Armenia, the Environment Agency Austria, the Organization of International Economic Relations (OiER), the United Nations Development Programme’s office in Armenia, and the Asian Development Bank. In-kind contribution was also provided by national and local experts from Regional environmental center for Caucasus and partner national institutions. Presentation of the Smart City profile is enclosed below.
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are considered as priority for job creation and overall development of Armenian economy. The Government of the Republic of Armenia performs continues steps towards the development of SME sector, particularly towards the direction for creation of state support system for promoting innovations in SMEs. The aim of the national policy is to utilize the potential of SMEs in the context of economic, social and political development of the Republic of Armenia and enhancement of sustainability of its ecosystems. This is the reason why the country, population at large, including SME and private sectorcompanies are first beneficiaries and stakeholders of RECP mainstreaming. All industries which have already received RECP service packages can benefit from further RECP measures and continuous monitoring. One of the most important achievements as a result of RECP implementation is undeniable possibility for all companies to reduce their energy costs and water demand.
The RECP Green Club work stream under EaP GREEN is aimed at developing and piloting a lean support model for enterprises, in particular smaller businesses. The model was created as a scale-able and replicable model, after initial trials in two regions it was replicated in two more marzes/regions of Armenia and was made available on a continuous basis to more regions.
RECP enables SMEs with an easy to read guidance for RECP implementation in business sector, enabling reduction of production costs and technological needs; increase in labor productivity, possible improvement in product quality; reduction of costs associated with waste production and pollution; improvement of production conditions, reduction of energy and material losses and better housekeeping and management practices improving environmental compliance of the business sector.
Legal roundtable is organised by the Ministry of Nature Protection of the Republic of Armenia in cooperation with the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the Regional Environmental Center for Caucasus (REC C) in the framework of the EU funded Programme ‘Greening the Economies in the Eastern Neighbourhood’[1] and framework MOU between UNECE and REC C on Organisation of capacity-building activities to support the implementation of EIA and SEA procedures Armenia. It will be held as a part of the process on developing the national legal framework on SEA in Armenia.
The 2nd legal roundtable will follow the outcomes of the ‘Roundtable on integration of the SEA procedure into the national legal framework of Armenia’ organized in March 2016 (detailed information can be found at https://www.unece.org/es/environmental-policy/conventions/environmental-assessment/meetings-and-events/environmental-impact-assessment/workshops-eap-green/2016/the-legal-roundtable-and-sea-workshop-in-armenia/doc.html#/).
The aim of the 2nd roundtable is to present elaborated draft legislation package on suggestive amendments on Strategic environmental assessment, with the emphasis on the roles and responsibilities of the main actors and stakeholders in the SEA system. The feedback from the participants will be considered when finalizing the amendments to the national Law and draft Governmental Decree on SEA implementation. Relevant examples of SEA procedures from other countries will be presented and discussed at the roundtable by UNECE international team to improve existing national framework on SEA and to raise efficiency of internal procedures and monitoring related to environmental and health risks within SEA cycle.
The event shall gather representatives of the sectoral ministries responsible for preparation of the plans and programmes in the key economic sectors, as well as representatives of non-governmental organisations, national experts and other relevant stakeholders. For more information on event and project kindly contact REC Caucasus office in Yerevan Tel: 011 574743 or e mail: nune.harutyunyan@rec-caucasus.org.
“Resource efficiency and clean production” (RECP) Demonstration project is implemented within EU funded “Greening Economies in the Eastern Neighborhood” (EAP Green), by UNIDO and Regional environmental center for Caucasus. For industrial development projects implementation RECP uses tested preventive environmental approaches: improved efficiency of resources (reduced production costs and materials, energy and water consumption), reduced environmental impact (less waste products and pollution) and improved professional and social health and protection. The main aim of RECP pilot project is to improve resource efficiency and environmental action particularly in the fields of agricultural/ food production, chemical and construction materials production.
Regional environmental center for Caucasus Armenia National Office has launched its new project for the city of Vanadzor, in Lori region, Armenia, targeting identification of the most important environmental challenges reflecting on citizens' life which will need to be addressed through elaboration of Local environmental action plan for the city of Vanadzor, Lori Region, Armenia.
Project is supported by US embassy in Armenia, as well as implemented jointly with local municipality and in collaboration with City Council which was formed as a result of project launching.
One of the most important criteria for future success - improved public participation in environmental decision-making, which will be achieved through establishment of local city council consisting of national/local institutions, experts, research, foundations, civil society /NGOs, active citizens, environmentalists, city planners, etc. The first city conference was followed by the LEAP methodology training where the initial challenges for the city of Vanadzor has been identified and discussed with local city council members.
Current overview serves as an introduction to REC Caucasus activities, strategic goals, partnerships and outputs achieved within the recent 15 years of its experience in South Caucasus. Regional environmental center for Caucasus is determined as “to assist in solving environmental problems in the Caucasus region through the promotion of co-operation at national and regional level among NGOs, governments, business, local communities, and all other environmental stakeholders, in order to develop a free exchange of information, in line with the principles of the Aarhus Convention; offer assistance to all environmental NGOs and other stakeholders; and increase public participation in the decision-making process, thereby assisting the states of the Caucasus in the further development of a democratic civil society”.
Scoping Report on Strategic Environmental Assessment Project (SEA) “Strategic Development Plan, Road Map and Long Term Investment Plan for the Solid Waste Management Sector in Armenia”.
The Scoping (or according to the Law ‘preliminary assessment’) is the initial stage of the SEA process. The aim of the Scoping stage is to identify environmental and health issues related to the plan or programme, which should be further analyzed within the SEA.
The training workshop on practical application of strategic environmental assessment (SEA) in Armenia organized by the Ministry of Nature Protection of the RA in cooperation with the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the Regional Environmental Center for Caucasus (RECC) in the framework of the EU funded Programme ‘Greening the Economies in the Eastern Neighborhood’ took place
The new initiative on piloting application of SEA for the Solid waste management sector in Armenia has been undertaken by the Ministry of Nature Protection, UNECE and Regional environmental center for Caucasus Armenia National Office within the frames of EaP Green funded by European Union. The overall aim of a SEA pilot project is to build capacities in application of SEA procedures at national level and raise
For its prosperity, creation of competitive product every business company operating in the market needs investment of ecologically safe, methods, means and tools accepted by the world, and the primer for ‘’RECP for SMEs’’ will assist for this objective. Primer on ”Resource efficiency and cleaner production ” has been elaborated within the framework of cooperation on “Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production Demonstration” project of UNIDO and REC Caucasus Armenia National Office, based on methodology
UNIDO Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) Demonstration Component project is planning the First RECP Stakeholder forum on Energy Efficiency within the context of RECP application for Small and Medium Businesses in Armenia. Forum will take place on 30th of October, at 10:30 AM (registration at 10:15)
UNIDO Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) Demonstration component project www.recp.am is being implemented in the frames of Partnership for Environment and Growth (EaP GREEN) financed by the European Union. Regional Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) Demonstration Programme for Eastern Partnership Countries is called for scaling up resource efficient and cleaner production (CP) in small
UNIDO Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) Demonstration component project is being implemented in the frames of Partnership for Environment and Growth (EaP GREEN) financed by the European Union. Regional Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) Demonstration Programme for Eastern Partnership Countries is called for scaling up resource efficient and cleaner production (CP) in small businesses
On 28th of April National Conference was organized for “Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production’’ (RECP) project in Armenia implemented by United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in co-operation with Regional environmental center for Caucasus, Armenia National Office and financed by the European Union (EU) within “Greening Economies in the Eastern Neighborhood” (EaP Green) initiative. The National Conference took place at ''Ani Plaza'' hotel.
The Republic of Armenia is well committed to improve its housing conditions and urban development strategies and planning policies. The country is actively working towards the preparation of the UN Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development – HABITAT III, which will take place in 2016 and is expected to adopt the New Global Urban Agenda. Armenia has already completed and submitted to the HABITAT III secretariat its national report on housing and urban development and is engaged in multiple projects on urban
On 13th of March, 2015 closing conference was organized by Regional Environmental Center of Caucasus Armenian Branch Office and Jermuk representatives in the frames of Local Environmental Action Plan project carried out in Jermuk city. The meeting was attended by the Mayor of Jermuk city, Mr. Vardan Harutyunyan, other representatives of the city government, representatives of Jermuk city, experts working within the project
On 26th and 27th of January, 2015 REC Caucasus Armenian branch office organized a Review Training in the frames of ‘’Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production’’, UNIDO project. The training was held in Armenian branch office of REC Caucasus. The aim of the Training was the review of RECP assessment results of demonstration organizations (DO) in Armenia. Review Training was attended by REC Caucasus Armenian branch office representatives, Chief of Cleaner and Sustainable Production Unit of UNIDO in Vienna, Mr. Rene
UNIDO RECP Demonstration Programme implemented by REC Caucasus Armenia National Office is aimed to improve resource productivity and environmental performance of businesses in agro/food processing, chemicals and construction materials’ sectors. RECP demonstrations are conducted for SMEs targeting food and beverage, chemical, construction materials.
REC Caucasus RECP team organized the second training within the frames of UNIDO “Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production” (RECP) Program, which took place from 8th to 11th September, Conference hall of UN Armenia House, in Yerevan. The aim of the training was to introduce the assessment, evaluation and recommendations of the Demo organizations by the experts. The training had module presentation (1-6, presented during the RECP introductory on 14-16 of April, 2014) introducing next steps to be applied by the experts when working with the Demo organizations.
From April 25 to 26, 2014, Regional environmental center for Caucasus team (Ms. Nune Harutyunyan, REC C Director, Ms. Dshkhuhi Sahakyan, National Project Coordinator and Ms. Hasmik Manukyan, Accountant) have conducted monitoring field visit to the Koghb and Jujevan communities within...
October 31, 2013: REC Caucasus and GIZ organized a regional workshop, titled ‘Development of Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) in South Caucasus countries,' in cooperation with the International Climate Initiative (ICI) of the German Federal Environment Ministry (BMU)
November 6, 2013
UNIDO's Vacancy Announcement on the position of National Coordinator for the EaP GREEN Programme in Georgia
Press Release of EU and FAO Partnership Project “Improved Pesticides and Chemicals Management in the Former Soviet Union”
The World Day to Combat Desertification, will be held on June 17. The focus this year is drought and water scarcity.
The aim of the Local Consultations is to provide feedback on survey results to the participating communities and use the information for further discussions and joint actions development.
On December 5, 2012, REC Caucasus launched a two-day closure conference on its EU funded project Fostering Community Forestry Policy and Practice in Mountain Regions of the Caucasus at Sheraton Metechi Palace, Tbilisi, Georgia.
October 25-27 activities conducted by RECC within the framework of the EU funded project ”Fostering Community Forest Policy and Practice in Mountain Regions of the Caucasus” appear on the 1st Georgian Channel
“Greening Energy Sector - mainstreaming energy efficiency and utilization of the renewable energy in the Caucasus Energy sector development”
REC Caucasus Armenia BO in close co-operation with Ministry of Nature Protection of Armenia and State Environmental Inspection agency has initiated and launched the fifth round of professional trainings for environmental inspectors on June 22-23, 2012.
REC Caucasus is happy to inform that newsletter within the framework of the EU-funded project "Fostering Community Forest Policy and Practice in Mountain Regions of the Caucasus" have been published. You can download newsletters from our website!
On 6-7 June, 2012, REC Caucasus team organized field visit in the framework of EU-funded project “Fostering Community Forest Policy and Practice in Mountain Regions of the South Caucasus”, and Eurasia Foundation funded project on “Introduction of Sustainable use of Natural Resources in Local Communities and Increase their Preparedness against Natur
On June 5th from 17.00-19.00, in several cities and villages throughout Armenia, the “Let’s do it! Armenia” movement is organizing a flash-mob chalk drawing contest by the theme of “Armenia without garbage” in honor of World Environment Day.
On 25 - 28 April, 2012 REC Caucasus Armenia BO conducted capacity building trainings on ‘’Sustainable forest management’’ within the EU funded regional project “Fostering Community Forest Policy and Practice in Mountain Regions of the Caucasus” at the "Zikatar’’ training centre
On the occasion of the 10th Anniversary of Global Water Partnership of Central Asia and Caucasus Regions, on 23 April, 2012 Country Water Partnership Armenia organized workshop, hosted by Regional Environmental Center for Caucasus Armenia
First National Steering Committee meeting within the framework of the project “Improvement of environmental liability regime: Introduction of methodology for valuation of environmental damage”
The Regional Environment Centre for the Caucasus (REC Caucasus) is announcing vacancy for the position of International expert on Economic Assessment of Ecosystem Services as part of the project “Support Development of Biodiversity Conservation Policies and Practices in Mountain Regions of the South Caucasus” .
Today, on March 2, 2012 two-day regional conference “Utilization of Renewable Energy – Challenges and Opportunities for South Caucasus”, organized by REC Caucasus in cooperation with German foundation Konrad Adenauer Stiftung ended in Sheraton Metechi Palace Hotel, Tbilisi.
The Regional Environmental Centre for the Caucasus (REC Caucasus) announces a vacancy for the position of Project Assistant, within the EC funded project # DCI/ENV/2008/151-708 "Fostering Community Forest Policy and Practice in the Mountain Regions of the Caucasus"
Azerbaijan Branch office of Regional Environmental Center for Caucasus (REC Caucasus) has organized National seminar under “Identification and implementation of adaptation response to Climate Change impact for Conservation and Sustainable use of agro-biodiversity in arid and semi-arid ecosystems of South Caucasus” project.
On January 27-28, 2011 REC Caucasus Armenia BO in close co-operation with Ministry of Nature Protection of Armenia and State Environmental Inspection agency has launched the third round of professional trainings for environmental inspectors.
On March 1-2, 2012, Regional Conference on “Utilization of Renewable Energy – Challenges and Opportunities for the Caucasus” is organized by German foundation – the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, in cooperation with REC Caucasus.
The Regional Environmental Centre for the Caucasus, with the financial support of the Norwegian government is starting a new project "Support Development of Biodiversity Conservation Policies and Practices in Mountain Regions of the South Caucasus".
REC Caucasus Armenia team have carried out series of field visits in the period of October – November 2011 within the EU funded regional project “Identification and implementation of adaptation response to Climate Change impact for Conservation and Sustainable use of agro-biodiversity in arid and semi-arid ecosystems of South Caucasus".
On December 1, 2011, joint conference of the GIZ "Climate Tolerenat Rehabilitation of Degraded Landscapes in Georgia" and REC Caucasus "Sustainable Land Management for Mitigating Land Degradation and Reducing Poverty in the South Caucasus Region" projects was organized by REC Caucasus in Sheraton Metechi Palace Hotel, Tbilisi.
On November 15, 2011 ended the two-day Regional Preparatory Meeting to the World Forum 6, in Radisson Blu Iveria Hotel, Tbilisi. The event was organized by the Regional Environmental Centre for the Caucasus (REC Caucasus), with the financial support of the governments of Swiss Confederation and France - via International Office for Water.
On November 10, 2011, VII Annual International Conference of REC Caucasus on “Climate Change Adaptation – Challenge and Opportunity for the Caucasus” started in Sheraton Metechi Palace, Tbilisi, lasting for two days.
In regard with the forthcoming 6th World Water Forum to be held in Marseilles, in March 2012, Tbilisi will host Europe Region Preparatory Process - Regional Preparatory Meeting in Hotel Radisson Blu Iveria, on November 14-15.
On November 10-11, 2011 with financial support of the Ministry of Environmental Affairs, Land Use Planning, Agriculture and Forestry of Lichtenstein, VII Annual International Conference of REC Caucasus on “Climate Change Adaptation – Challenge and Opportunity for the Caucasus” is being organized in Tbilisi, Georgia.
On October 21st, 2011, RA ministry of Emergency Situations, UNDP Armenia and Foundation of National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction aorganized conference dedicated to National Strategy of DRR in RA.
Caspian: Technologies for the Environment (CTE), the International Exhibition and Conference for Environmental Protection, which is officially supported by the Government of Azerbaijan will be held on 2-4 November 2011 at Expo center in Baku.
The newly-established environmental youth movement of Azerbaijan “IDEA” (International Dialogue on Environmental Action) jointly with the United Nations Development Programme organizes International Camp of Young Environmentalists.
On October 19, 2011 REC Caucasus Armenia team and project experts have conducted first field visits within the EU funded project “Identification and implementation of adaptation response to Climate Change impact for Conservation and Sustainable use of agro-biodiversity in arid and semi-arid ecosystems of South Caucasus”.
This project is one of the numerous reforms launched at the zoo marking its 70th anniversary this year. The improvement program has been initiated by the new director – president of the Preservation Fund for Wildlife and Cultural Values Mr. Ruben Khachatryan.
Recent reports published by the European Environment Agency (EEA) and the European Commission said the EU increased greenhouse gas emission by 2.4 percent in 2010. Despite this slight increase past year, since 1990 the EU has decreased its emissions by 15.5 percent, while the economy grew by 42 percent in the same period of time.
On October 5, 2011, International Advisors of the South Caucasus Integrated Border Management (SCIBM) Programme got together in Tbilisi to review the progress made by the programme since its inception in 2010, and hear the presentations of the three country offices in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. Representatives of the European Union; embassies
On September 24, Georgia joined the international campaign against climate change uniting more than 180 countries. The global movement was organized by the "350.org", the mission of which is to build global grassroots movement to solve global climate crisis.
On September 9-12, Transboundary Joint Secretariat (TJS) REC Caucasus hold study tour in Tusheti Protected Areas for interested parties living nearby Kazbegi National Park, within the framework of KFW Banking Group funded regional project “Transboundary Joint Secretariat for the Southern Caucasus”.
The second visit of the EU-funded ENPI FLEG Program\'s International Legal Consultant, Peter Herbst, took place from September 5 to September 12, 2011 in Azerbaijan. The main objective of the seminar was to hold meetings with stakeholders focused on advancing Azerbaijani forest legislation and hold the seminar
On September 9, 2011 was organized the Steering Committee meeting under the EU-funded regional project "Identification and implementation of adaptation response to Climate Change impact for Conservation and Sustainable use of agro-biodiversity in arid and semi-arid ecosystems of South Caucasus